Concierge type Primary Care Services Now Available!
Concierge type Primary Care Services Now Available!
Watch this short video I recently did for parents of young children that speaks a little bit about what Anthroposophic Medicine is and how we approach certain conditions.
Check out my recent Webinar faciliated by Foundation for Health Creation and Anthroposophia Foundation
Good sleep and rest help us enjoy life better. Yet a large majority of the population does not get adequate sleep for a variety of reasons. Poor quality or insufficient sleep is associated with poor health outcomes, like cardiovascular and chronic inflammatory disease, mental disorders, weight gain and long Covid. How can we slow down enough to rest and achieve the nourishing sleep we deserve? What interferes with our ability to sleep well? In this webinar you will learn about the natural rhythms of our body and how we can use these rhythms to become more efficient in our daily tasks and rest better at night. You will gain tools and a list of supplements to help you navigate the challenges of the modern world in order to achieve the rest and sleep your body craves.
Some of the most difficult times during parenting are when our children are sick with a fever. But what if these events are actually some of the most important and essential times for children's development?
What can you do at home to help your children through their illness? Which medications are harmful and which supplements are helpful? How can you ease their suffering with natural home remedies? Do they need antibiotics? When should you take them to the doctor? What could you do to help them recover quicker and stay healthier in the long run?
In this webinar you will find out how you can support your children at home through childhood infections such as viral illnesses, respiratory infections, and fevers. You will learn about natural ways and home remedies to strengthen children's immunity and prevent unnecessary infections. Additionally, you will receive tools to manage viral infections at home and feel more comfortable with fevers.
Available Online
Your purchase includes the recorded webinar, an article with guides to home remedies and supplements, links to home therapies instructions, a video about fever, a fever app, and discounts on remedies and supplements.
Cost is $50.
Please allow up to 48 hours for the email delivery of the package.
We offer workshops in person or online on diverse health empowering topics.
We also collaborate with other professionals for powerful healing events
See below for past workshops.
Contact us if you are interested in having an event.
I will be offering a webinar through the Foundation for Health Creation. This is part of a webinar series exploring the question: How can we strengthen our immune system to receive, transform and overcome all that comes towards us? During the webinar I will give a brief review of the immune system and an explanation about how we see the immune system from an Anthroposophic perspective. I promise to keep it simple and interesting! I will also present some practical ways we can support our immune system and discuss a few Anthroposophic remedies.
For the second part of the webinar, my colleague, Martha Loving Orgain, MFA will present an artistic therapy modality: she will illustrate how working with charcoal warms the digestive system and strengthens immunity.
The webinar is our free offering to the community. Donations are welcome and they will go towards the Foundation for Health Creation and the Anthroposophic Health Association.
Thursday, Feb 24, 2022 at 5:30 pm
"When we bring body, soul, and spirit into harmony, we make our peace with destiny: we have learned to accept and love it. Individuals who do so are ready to face destiny's challenges." Ita Wegman, MD
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