Concierge type Primary Care Services Now Available!
Concierge type Primary Care Services Now Available!
Dr. Daci is Board Certified in Integrative Medicine, Internal Medicine and Anthroposophic Medicine
Integrative medicine focuses on you as a whole person and not just your illness or disease. It seeks to understand the underlying cause of your symptoms by looking at your complete mind, body and spirit. Integrative medicine believes that your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs rely on each other and affect your entire well-being and your health. Integrative medicine brings together conventional medicine approaches (like pharmaceutical medications) and complementary therapies (like herbs, supplements, and body work). It uses a combination of therapies and lifestyle changes. In this way, integrative medicine “integrates” all aspects of your well-being and it “integrates” conventional approaches and complementary therapies to help you achieve optimal health and healing.
Integrative Medicine includes training in allopathic medicine as well as naturopathic medicine, herbalism, chinese medicine, energy medicine, and other alternative modalities.
"Internal Medicine physicians are experts in complexity. They see every connection in the adult human body. Internal Medicine Physicians serve, and lead, in many diverse roles and settings. They are critical thinkers who thrive in uncertainty and excel in the most challenging and dynamic environments, and care for patients throughout their health care journey. Their expertise makes them vital to both patients and medical professionals.
Internal medicine physicians are specialists who apply scientific knowledge and clinical expertise to the diagnosis, treatment, and compassionate care of adults across the spectrum from health to complex illness. They are especially well trained in the diagnosis of puzzling medical problems, in the ongoing care of chronic illnesses, and in caring for patients with more than one disease. Internal medicine physicians also specialize in health promotion and disease prevention."
In addition to Integrative Medicine, which includes Internal Medicine and complementary approaches (like herbs, supplements, and energy medicine) one of the main modalities Dr. Daci practices is Anthroposophic Medicine
Anthroposophic Medicine is an integrative medicine model that views the human person as a physical and spiritual microcosm within the macrocosm of the universe. It is founded on evidence-based medicine and ancient western medicine based on the four elements. To this it adds an anthroposophic understanding of the human being and the worl
Anthroposophic Medicine is an integrative medicine model that views the human person as a physical and spiritual microcosm within the macrocosm of the universe. It is founded on evidence-based medicine and ancient western medicine based on the four elements. To this it adds an anthroposophic understanding of the human being and the world. It was initiated in 1920 by the physician Ita Wegman and the founder of anthroposophy Rudolf Steiner PhD, and has since then been continually developed throughout the world. Anthroposophic physicians are traditionally trained physicians who then take on additional education in anthroposophic medicine. Anthroposophic Medicine is applied in multiple disciplines such as oncology, cardiology, pediatrics, neurology and psychiatry. It is currently practiced in a large number of outpatient practices, hospitals, and therapeutic centers worldwide.
Anthroposophic doctors seek to understand the entire picture of a patient’s health condition. A diagnosis will look at physical symptoms, life-style factors such as nutrition and stress, personal history, age, environmental and social factors. All of these can influence a person’s health and are part of an anthroposophical medical diag
Anthroposophic doctors seek to understand the entire picture of a patient’s health condition. A diagnosis will look at physical symptoms, life-style factors such as nutrition and stress, personal history, age, environmental and social factors. All of these can influence a person’s health and are part of an anthroposophical medical diagnosis. Health is a matter of balancing the whole human being: physical, vital energy, mental-emotional and spiritual. This balancing can be achieved via life-style and supplements, art, cultural expression and spirituality. For medication, anthroposophic medicine uses homeopathic remedies derived from plants, minerals, and animals. It also involves a range of therapies such as: eurythmy, counseling and psychotherapy, speech therapy, rhythmical massage, art therapy, and specific nursing techniques such as external compresses and a hands-on approach called rhythmical einreibung.
"When we bring body, soul, and spirit into harmony, we make our peace with destiny: we have learned to accept and love it. Individuals who do so are ready to face destiny's challenges." Ita Wegman, MD
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